Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Fruit and Vegitable Baby--a dream

I had a dream. I was in a bath tub with my lover. “I’ve just given birth, so you have to be nice to me!” I told our visitor in the bathroom. I stood for the bathroom stall, where blood was expelled, and emerged. I walked down the Hagg-Saur hall, bright with sun light and held the melon head, green stripped and heavy. The orange of the pelvis and the orange of the torso would not stay together, “He’s dying!” I realized I’d forgotten to peel the oranges, how could I expect him to stay together with the peels in the way? I was terrified my lover, now husband would find out I was letting our child die. I began to peel, and the other parts loosened, the carrot fingers, corn cob legs… I had to peel faster. I peeled away too much though, and the abdomen couldn’t heal. I cried and realized the suffering. I was putting it in pain, for my self. I was selfish. I’d put it out of its misery; I tossed it into a trashcan, suddenly just dead fruit. I had failed, I couldn’t make it live… I didn’t know it would be so hard. My love would be too upset… so I fetched his mother. I found my own mother too, then my dead aunt, and my dear sister came with. We found some bushes in the court yard. I sat them all down and joined their warm circle. I looked at them all and said, “Okay, how do you keep your children from falling apart?”

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